Creating Hope in 2023 image

Creating Hope in 2023

Help us go mobile with mental health, preventative care, and home visits this year.

$134,369 raised

$150,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

The Downtown Clinic provides high-quality healthcare to uninsured people experiencing poverty in Albany County, Wyoming.

Becca has had severe hearing difficulties since childhood sickness in one ear. She was later in a car accident losing the majority of her hearing in her other ear. Her lack of hearing has caused mental distress and limited her ability to work. Working with Laramie Hearing Clinic we were able to support Becca gain the hearing aids she desperately needed. Becca is able to truly hear for the first time in 3 decades!

For over two decades, the Downtown Clinic has provided primary and specialty healthcare services to individuals in Albany County, Wyoming. With five full-time, 3 part-time staff members, and over 80 community volunteers, the Downtown Clinic provides free healthcare to nearly 500 individuals each year living at the margins. The Clinic raises most of its funding from local sources (more than 75%) and spends over 95 cents of every dollar locally. The Clinic was built upon the fundamental belief that all should have access to high-quality healthcare and in its 24 years of existence, the Clinic has cared for over 11,000 families in need.

With the help of donors and the local community, we provided 1.345 million dollars worth of community services including medication, social work, primary visits, specialist visits, and vaccinations to the Albany County community. in 2022. We provided 390 individuals with over 2480 appointments.

The lack of Medicaid expansion in Wyoming has emphasized the need for a facility like ours. We thank you for your support over the years and the expanding possibilities you have helped us create!

Reports state 23% of individuals in Albany County, Wyoming earn income at or below the poverty line. We believe there are more individuals out there that need our help. We are ready to serve and support them! Increasing our full-time staff this year and developing a mobile health unit, we will go mobile with mental health, preventative care, and home visits this year.

We believe:

  • that everyone in our community is valuable.
  • that all deserve high-quality healthcare.
  • that strong, vibrant communities are composed of healthy individuals and families
  • that we all have a role to play in the health of our community and that together we can build a more just and equitable community-based healthcare system that is effective and innovative.

Let's Create Hope in 2023! We will continue to support clients like Becca. Will you support us?